Tuesday 15 September 2009

Waiting for Chennai Mail at Bangalore Cantonment

There's a nip in the air and the breeze brings with it the chill. Having a lousy cold is a big dampener but that does not take away from the romance of the moment. The familiar Nandini kiosk helps rekindle my relationship with hot badam milk and I quickly settle down on a bench to get a ring side view of a nail biting chase between two dogs and a wily rat.

The race between fear and hunger is ultimately won by fear and I am distracted by the mystical movements of a polythene bag being twirled around by the gentle breeze reminiscent of a scene from the movie American Beauty. The breeze draws an elderly couple closer as the wife rests her head on her husband's lap to watch a toddler being blissful in its ignorance and trying to scare a resting dog. I get up and stretch my legs and walk to the end of the platform to get a glimpse of the big mosque's Minars that used to welcome me back over the last year or so but sadly its not lit up.

The creaky loudspeaker, rather noisily for the time of the night, informs me that my train is about to arrive shortly on Platform No. 2 and soon enough the train creaks in and I board it with the thoughts of the nice warm cup of filter coffee I shall be having the next morning at home.


Arun said...

nice to see u write like this dude,
such moments tend to be really inspiring na

Vinay Sekhar said...

ya dude, there is a joy in the moment which makes life worth it :)

Jokers said...

nice to know you are living the smaller moments of life :-)

Ganesh Jeyaraman said...

oh.. ore the senti!
Surprised :)

Vinay Sekhar said...

@ Jokers, I am not getting a chance to experience too much of the smaller moments of life... definitely not as much as I used to when working :)
@ Gajaa, not sure what the senti bit is :P

archith said...

Hmm. Harry POTTER Hogwarts train platform 9 3/4 hangover is it? (Insert Evil laughter here)