Monday 7 December 2009

Fear of the Intersection of the Friend Venn diagram!

For some reason, I get quite uncomfortable when friends circles clash. I have never quite understood why.

In my mind I tend to segregate friends into ones from school, ones from family, ones from the one year spent in Trichy, ones from college, ones from work and now the ones from management school and whenever an occassion crops up where the 2 segregations intersect my heart starts pumping faster and my knees get weak.

It's almost as if I am a different Vinay in each of the circles and when the circles mingle I am not sure which character I should play and what my lines should be.

I no longer seem to relate to the Vinay I was in high school. The one growing up on a diet of American TV shows and wanting to know all the brands... a wannabe snob! and in my mind I always seem to picturise my school friends to be the same. They could and most likely should have grown on to bigger things but that does not seem to enter my mind at all. Hmmm.

Anyways, I needed to get this blog going with some random post and as I had this on my mind just thought I will waste some Google server space on it!


Arun said...

so you put me in a venn diagram of yours and i would belong to the unique-mutually-exclusive set and not any of the intersections.. sigh...

actually even i do that da... i guess our blogs are the only permanent records amidst all the transience and acts!

Ganesh Jeyaraman said...

Guess most of us are like that wonly.. though i cant say if it's good or bad ;)

Google verification: IMATE

Vinay Sekhar said...

@ Arun - the venn diagram is not for people da. its more for the circumstances/situations. Like at your wedding there will be a big intersection as there will be, hopefully, your school, college, work and family friends.

PNA said...


I don't mind my friend circles mingling, but yes I'm a different person with each group... and the most comfortable where most of my phases of personality comes thru is the school one, 14 long years together makes u like one big family of 120 :))

cya around n happy holidays!

Farting Pen said...

Let me start with this: You have spoken the words that resided in the deepest bounds of my shallow heart, my friend.

I don't understand what the big deal with all the friends circles mingling is. I mean, yes, I am different with each friends circle. I am not the same person I am. If that is one reason I don't want them to meet, hell, I am even scared of secrets being shared.

A fear. An anxiety that arises from the horror of being ridiculed by both the conflicting circles. An event that can be avoided by a simple act of making sure these don't meet.