Friday, 8 January 2010

AnnoPeep repellant - To repel annoying people

Fine we do have quite a few products and brands to repel mosquitoes and cockroaches. The ingenious Chinese have also developed those superb electric rackets which gives one a feel of how Adolf Hitler must have felt when he was organising massacres of Jews.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a repelllant that could be used to ensure to repel those people who annoy us. The backbiters, the perenial pessimists, the racial fanatics, the domineering dumbwits etc. Lets admit it, we all have a few friends who we are obligated to be friends with. They could be your cousins, or the sons/daughters of a close friend of one or your parents, the best friend of your best friend, the best friend of your girlfriend, the husband/wife of your wife's/husband's sister/brother... you are getting my drift right.

These are the people who you are obligated to smile to when you much rather stick a fork up their ass and ask them to scat! Life would be a whole lot easier if there was a repellant which we could spray on or apply as a lotion or something and this would automatically keep away the annopeeps (mespeak for annoying people). These repellants should ideally be odourless or have some fragrance to it. I guess it would also need to come in non-allergic variants for those people who have breathing disorders. The repellant should in no way make the individual wearing it look bad or evil.

Until such a product gets developed we have to do the best we can with body odour, bad breath and annoying speech defects.


archith said...

Oh, The angry young man returns. Who or What has drawn your ire, chetta?

And what would happen if two people whipped out their cans of repellents at the same time,and their stream of spray collided mid air?

P.S. : hope i don't fall under either of the perennial pessimists or domineering dubmbwits ;)

Ganesh Jeyaraman said...

Full Full! Are you on a revelation spree on ur blog? :)

Vinay Sekhar said...

@archith - I think its more like a cream or deodarant da. you just spray it on yourself and that will repel whomever you want to... and no you dont fall under either of that!

Prem said...

looked like some script writing assignment for Immanuel sir :)

Archs said...

err...are you really swarmed by such ppl to warrant a post like this :-)

fiddlesticks said...

MARS rules out body odour and bad breath, though, remember? :P